Thursday, April 04, 2002

Big manufacturing company is outsourcing some programming jobs to overseas coding shops, reports a programmer pilot fish at the manufacturer.

But the company is taking it slowly. "We've been giving them sample projects to work on and increasing the complexity of the tasks involved, to gauge what they could handle and what was beyond their expertise," fish says.

The latest effort: Converting code from several old Digital Equipment VAX programs to run on IBM machines.

"Their programmers had been working on this project for six months," says fish. "In the weekly status meetings, we regularly asked, 'What problems are you having with the Digital to IBM sales report conversions?' or 'How's the VAX-to-IBM conversion going on those Phase 2 financial programs?'"

No problems, no problems, never any problems to report.

Until the day, six months into the project, when one outsourcer programmer finally does have an issue to raise.

"Can you tell me again," outsourcer says politely, "What is a VAX?"

Computerworld Shark Tank

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