Saturday, April 20, 2002

Natalie Portman Strikes Back

Do you think this will cause any controversy when the movie comes out? Obviously, it offends the PC left-wing college crowd. I do think more than 1/2 the population of Israel is sephardic, and practically all of them went there to escape terrible treatment in the other middle eastern countries, so she has a point. Remember, most, if not all of them treat there Muslim citizens terribly according to the civil rights reports we get, so how much worse was it for these dudes.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Boy the Bear's TOP 40 Age Gauge

Israel under hack attack

Wanted, Internet security pros

"And about ten years off the user's life..."
Computerworld Shark Tank
We had to wait about 45 minutes to get seated Saturday night, but the Beef Brisket and Spareribs were delicious - also the baked beans and cole slaw, and fresh half-loaves of bread. Great attentive service too. We had lots of ribs left over for Sunday afternoon. I recommend Dr. Hogly Wogly's Tyler Texas BBQ
I've heard that on weekends you drive up to Santa Maria and in the parking lots of the town, people set up and sell this: Santa Maria Style BBQ

I've had it in restaurants in LA and it's pretty good there - what it's like up there, I've just heard stories....

Sunday, April 14, 2002

Here's Bosnian Beef...
Balkan Pearls - Meat Products
referred to this as "Art is Shit".... Magazine Reviews - A Human Masterpiece
FINALLY! Some GOOD NEWS for a change!

2002 U.S. Tornado Deaths at Zero (
I'm not listening to the same radio stations you are...

If it's not a weekday, I tend to listen to oldies music.
If it's a weekday morning, I listen to Jamie and Danny because
they're addictive and sometimes they're unbelieveable, as in Danny wondering aloud how come his wife didn't
"squirm or complain" when he first attempted "the back door" - they were MUCH MORE explicit about this
than I am, because I'm chicken...
I have accepted your invitation to the blog, Punjab. As you might have said in a former day, some days you eat the cheesesteak, now days you dream of it while stuck in traffic as the cheesesteak eats your arteries. I am happy to hear that your son, Gunga Din Mulcahy returned safely from his journey to the mysterious Islands. I'm becomming convinced that the local radio stations' employees are taking days off while replaying old middle eastern news from 30 years ago. It's difficult to hear any difference and the names are the same.
Are you COOL enough?